Arne Loot Circa 1962

30/12/1923 - 17/07/2023

At the age of 11, Arne already had a darkroom in the wardrobe of his parent’s house in Holland. Ever since that time, photography has remained a lifelong interest. Arne had many occupations throughout his life: a sailor, a designer, a builder, a painter, a cook, a farmhand, a musician, a writer, and a herpetologist… you name it…

Arne arrived in New Zealand in 1952. His first job was with Amy Harper, the largest portrait and bridal studio in Auckland; and he worked there for eight years. Then three years with the advertising agency, inventing the bleach-out method in black and white photography. After that freelancing for the rest of his life.

Arne photographed paintings, art, and antiques for Peter Webb Galleries and Sotheby’s for 40 years. He worked for the magazine ‘Art New Zealand’ for 12 years and 3 years for Auckland Art Gallery. Arne also photographed for other galleries: The New Vision Gallery, Denis Cohn Gallery, The Mill, Barry Lett Galleries, RKS Art, John Leech Gallery, Dunbar Sloane, Gow Langsford Gallery, and others. He also photographed for many artists, including several years for Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

Commercially Arne photographed for Air New Zealand brochures, and food advertising for Watties, Tip Top, Eta, and Winstone.

Arne has also done photography for more than a dozen books, including Gottfried Lindauer, Colin McCahon, Jonathon White, and others.

His photography won 5 awards worldwide: Kodak of the year, RKO film studios, Golden Needle Chicago, photographic design in Hong Kong, and Golden Scoop in the USA.